Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC)
Little Mountain Neighbourhood House is proud to offer our Language Instruction for Newcomers to Canada (LINC) program. Our LINC English classes are free to Canadian newcomers with an assessment by Vancouver Assessment Centre. These fun and dynamic and informative classes are designed to:
- Meet your English language needs with settlement support
- Establish life in Canada and search for a job
- Learn about Canadian culture and community
We offer Level 2 to Level 6 in-person and online classes with free child care for in-person classes from Monday to Thursday.
To register or request more information, please contact one of our staff members below:
Rachel Yang
(236) 863-2331 ext. 504
Tetiana Radina
(236) 862-8522 ext. 511
Kate Rogatina
(604) 879-7104 ext. 502
Class Locations
Office & School Address
Little Mountain Neighbourhood House
#102–1193 Kingsway
Vancouver, BC V5V 3C8
Phone: (604) 879-7104
LINC 6 AM & L2 PM Address
Bethel International Church
739 E 33rd Ave
Vancouver, BC V5V 3A1
Phone: (236) 863-2331 / (236) 862-8522
LINC 3/4 AM, L5 AM Address
Marpole Neighbourhood House
8585 Hudson St
Vancouver, BC V6P 4M3
Phone: (236) 863-2331 / (236) 862-8522
- Morning classes for Level 3/4 and Level 5 are in-person at Marpole Neighbourhood House (8585 Hudson St). Child care services will be provided.
- Level 6 morning class and Level 2 afternoon class are held at Bethel Church (739 E 33rd Ave). Child care services will be provided.